Sunday, May 16, 2010

Isn't Madonna From The Fifties?

Ok, so Lizzy-Lu and I were driving home the other day. It was pretty late in the evening and I turned my Ipod on to the "Music" song by Madonna (I love it because it has really a really good bass). We were cruising down the road with the stereo cranked in my Suburban, (don't laugh, I love my car), thinking I was so cool with my stereo loud and the windows down on a cool summer night. I lowered the stereo for a bit realizing that Lizzy probably has no idea of who the heck was singing, and said, "This song is called Music and is sung by Madonna." Her reply was, "Isn't Madonna from the fifties?" Yea, I pretty much turned off the Ipod and sulked in the thought that my poor sweet daughter had no idea who Madonna was and that she has no concept of time....(We have a lot of work to do).

I Finally Made it....

The Strawberry stuff that is. I made it the other day and my family loved it! It was super delicious. A couple of things I would have done differently were to make sure the cream cheese is really soft, and maybe not so much whip cream. Ok, I have to admit that when I made it, I didn't follow the directions, I just added what I thought the recipe said to add. Whoops! Follow the directions, that's what I'll do differently next time. :)