Saturday, April 4, 2009


Well, I feel like this post is "the end of an era" for me, or maybe it's the start of a new one. Who knows? Anyway, I really need to learn how to forgive a lot better than I do. I mean it's easy to forgive, but it's the getting over it part that I don't so well with. I can't seem to learn how to let things go. As a very wise person helped me realize recently, it is not my nature to make others hurt as bad as they have hurt me. She was right! Sometimes I feel so hurt and can't help feeling like the other person should pay, and then I do something to make them feel the way I do ( I am really good at paybacks)...the thing is though that after I am finished paying them back, I feel miserable. I don't want to be this person anymore.
A very good friend of mine bought me a book called, "The Peacemaker" recently. I have to admit that I have had it stashed away in a drawer so that I wouldn't have to look at it. I started to read it and then decided that I wasn't ready to forgive and forget yet, so I put it away. I just wasn't ready I guess. Anyway, I have decided that I am ready to pull the book out of hiding and start on the path to recovery:) I am ready to put old, ugly, hateful thoughts aside and move forward to feeling positive and happy again.
I have realized that only I can control my happiness and that I am not given anything I can't handle. I have so many blessings in my life and need to embrace every day with love, faith and prayer. I know that with these things comes true happiness.


Anonymous said...

the wisest thing i ever heard about forgiveness was to turn the hurt over to God. as long as u hang on to it, it is between u and the one who hurt u.. if u can let it go and let God handle it , it is between them and God. forgivness really is the best revenge after all...

Christie said...

I know it's hard, but you can do this and it will help you feel the peace you really want to feel. I love ya!

Anonymous said...

for the longest time i felt like i could forgive...but not forget- forgetting would keep me from protecting myself against the same offense. recently it hit me why forgetting is forgivings equal. you can't TRUELY forgive if the knowledge or reminders can pop up and recall all feelings of misgiving. the entire offense has to be gone. and since i too am a payback thinker, i pray more for forgetfulness, to aide my forgiveness. it's not for me to remember...if it was bad enough it will be called upon the offender in his/her own judgement...what good would my own'punishment'of the offense be anyway??

faith celeste said...

Gosh, I never thought of it that way. You are so right about praying for forgetting. This is such a hard thing to do. I hope that someday the forgetting will be forgotten. I tend to harbor those hateful feelings sometimes so that I can use it as a "feel sorry for me" tool or a "I'm going to rub this in your face till you die" tool and that is not helping with the moving forward part at all. I take two steps backward it seems before I reach one step forward, but am so happy when that one step forward comes.

faith celeste said...
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Amanda said...

Wow you have some wise people in your life! I love you Faith! When you master this please share with me how it is done. I could use a lesson in this as well.

Amy Allred said...

Wow, you got some really good advice that I think we all need to hear. I never thought about praying to forget. Good info. I hope that you find the peace that you need and are able to move on from what ever has you struggling. I'm here for you if you need anything...I think we are going to be great friends. Haha, no really I think you are great.

PS I added you as one of my blogging buddies

Anonymous said...

well faith sounds like you are in some trials? sure hope your heart is bigger then revenge because you will be just as bad as whatever it is. life is a trial and some trials are larger than we expect or not more then you can endure.Do not think of how to get back that is not for you to do.FORGIVE AND FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!