Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ok, One More Thing...

Are people really that stupid? I mean to know all of the creepy things that we know about Obama Bin Laden what's his name, their are still so many people who are wanting to vote him in as President of the United States. I mean seriously. He won't salute the flag during any flag ceremonies. He is epitome of unpatroticism (I made that word up). He is so not what we need as a leader. Can you even imagine if this man is elected? What has happened to our country and don't even get me started on Hollywood. They all aught to be smacked for their highly uneducated, publicized choice of a leader. What's that saying about a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is so eloquent with his words and he has people strung up on a fishing line because of it. Promises, promises. Agghhh!

Pumpkin Love

I have been super bored and decided that the 3 little, cute pumpkins I bought a week or so ago didn't match my casa. So, I took a paint brush to them. They surely match now. I think they are cute. I will never again have plain orange pumpkins again.

Graham County Fair

Lizzy-Lu, Sambo and the Love Bug loving the fair...

So, there was a contest in the county anongst the 6th graders to design a tee-shirt about cotton. Sambo drew this and was one of the fianlists posted at the fair. He really did a great job.

You can't tell, but he really was proud.

They thought it was cool to pet the only cow that would let them.

Fun at the fair.... On Friday, which is the day I always take the kids, theyoffer wrist bands for a pretty decent price. It's the best deal ever and saves thousands of dollars that would be normally spent on the rides. (Okay, not thousands.)

We made Lizzy-Lu ride with the Love Bug. Sambo did too, but wasn't too happy about it.

Love Bug wins... We love the slide. They rode (slid?) over and over.

Fun posing on the Case tractors....

You know, it took me forever to be able to spell Graham. I am really a good speller, but that is one word that I just couldn't get. Finally! Anyway, last weekend was the fair in Graham County. This is such a big deal in Safford. In fact it is such a big deal that they take a day off school for it. I am not kidding! We didn't miss the action this year. We had such a great time. It was a year ago last year that we went ot Disneyland. There is no comparison or question about where we would rather have been, but the point is that we have fun together.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Duck Pond

So Saturday we had soccer games and in between Sam-I-Am and the Love Bugs' games, we went to feed the ducks to kill time. The kids were feeding them bread from their sandwiches that I had made for lunch. They ended up feeding them their entire sandwich.
Anyway, this is one of those things that gets taken for granted, the duck pond. My kids love it here and I remember coming out as long as I have lived in Safford and feeding the ducks. Good times!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pizza and Dilly Bars...

I have decided that the best birthday parties are ones where you can leave the mess behind when your finished. Sam decied that Pizza Hut was as good a place as any. He invited a couple of good friends and they all had a ball. After pizza and the works, the kids were complaining of how full they were and they they couldn't eat another bite, that is until I said, "How about Dairy Queen?". Of course they were ready for the second round. Boys are so funny!