Sunday, February 15, 2009

Over a month....

Holy cow! It's been so long since I even have time to look at my blog. I am so behind. Let's see, my sister got married and that was the last major life event. I have been studying my rear off (well it's still there), but I am really trying will all of me to pass this algebra class. I alway say that I am not a math person, but by golly I am going to make myself become one. Also, I have been subbing like no tommorrow. Which is a good thing considering I like to pay my bills. :)

So, I promise to get back on track and update this thing more often than once a month. I have been on facebook ALOT! Which is soo much fun!

The kids are doing well, they are growing like weeds. They just finished with basketball and did quite well I might add. The boys will start baseball next and we will help coach, which is always fun!

Our latest endevour is the chickens...we are raising baby chickens for eggs. Apparently, you can have chickens lay eggs without a rooster. Go figure, so that is us. I guess we really do have a funny farm now. How appropriate!


Anonymous said...

That's funny...we're supposed to be getting some chickens here real soon, too! You only need the rooster if you want baby chickies.

Amanda said...

chickens? how fun!

The Sweet Life of Us said...

hey blog...the link to the wedding pics are on it...hope you are doing well. love ya ems