Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lovingly, Patiently, Kindly, Frustratingly,

Well, apparently, I am not the most patient person in the world. Go figure! I have been trying like mad to get my kids to learn how to do things right, the first time. I'm talking about cleaning things. I figure that if they will start here, they will get the gist of it and use it in all of their other daily dealings. Wishful thinking, I know. Anyway, I don't have a dishwasher,actually, I do...I have three of them. Two of them are well old enough to learn how to wash the dishes and wash them right. (The younger one is in training. :) Anyway, I have been trying like mad to teach them how to wash, sweep, and wipe behind the lovelies on the counter, and whatever else cleaning the kitchen entails. It's killing me! I guess I expect them to be able to clean like an adult would ( or should anyway), and they are just not getting it. Maybe I am expecting too much, maybe, I am being tested for a reason, maybe... ughhh... Ok, Deep breath...I am going to lovingly, patiently, kindly, and maybe a little frustratingly keep trying to "help" them learn to become proper little cleaners of the kitchen. LOL...Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Reyna said...

I've been trying to get these guys to do that for years now. The oldest one finally gave up after 11 years and decided he'd rather move out than do it!