Monday, February 15, 2010

Spring Fever

Well, it has been a while since I last posted anything. I have suddenly found the urge to start spring cleaning. I have been following the flylady for a while now, but never really followed her advice. I am starting over as a flybaby. Her website is great ( she has a list of baby steps to take to get your house ( and mine) up to par when it comes to cleaning.
Step one is to shine our sinks every night before we go to bed. She says that we should develop the habit of wiping the sink clean each and every time we use it. I am going to put a dry hand towel next to the sink and instruct my kids to do the same. I'm taking bets on how long this will last, but it has to start somewhere, right? Wish me luck! Off I go to shine my sinks before bed. Good night!

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