Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting Out of Debt..

So today in our Fifth Sunday lesson, a lady came (who also happened to be an accountant) to talked about getting out of debt. I felt like she was talking to me personally. She gave specific ideas and ways to do so. She said that paying off credit cards is like a snow ball effect. Pay off the small ones first and add as much to the the monthly payment as your budget will allow. After the first is paid off, send all of this money including the regular payment to the next card to pay it off and so on and so forth....
I have been talking about doing this for a while, but wasn't really sure where to start. She also said that we were put on this earth to build the kingdom of God and basically that if we are worried about debt, we can't worry about helping the Lord. This made a lot of sense to me. I am really excited about this endeavour. I am going to start by keeping a record of everything I buy in a weeks time. Also, I am going to go on a spending fast for the next week... by this I mean that I am not going to buy anything that is not a necessity. This will be hard, but I am going to give it shot.. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Goodest of luck Darling!!! I think you could have picked an easier time of year to try this. I sure will give it a try starting Dec. 26th. I should have tried it starting last Friday.