Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Learn To Speak Chinese

I've always heard that if you can speak more than two languages (or is it more than three languages, whatever...), then you were considered a genious. I can speak English, Spanish, Sign Language and now Chinese. Don't worry though just read the following and you'll be able to add Chinese to your list too...

That's not right

Sum Ting Wong

Are you harboring a fugitive?

Hu Yu Hai Ding

See me ASAP

Kum Hia Nao

Small Horse

Tai Ni Po Ni

Did you go to the beach?

Wai Yu So Tan

I bumped into a coffee table

Ai Bang Mai Ni

I think you need a face lift

Chin Tu Fat

It's very dark in here

Wai So Dim

This is a tow away zone

No Pah King

Our meeting is scheduled for next week

Wai Yu Kum Nao

Staying out of sight

Lei Ying Lo

He's cleaning his automobile

Wa Shing Ka'

Your body odor is offensive

Yu Stin Ki Pu

I thought you were on a diet

Wai Yu Mun Ching


Laydee said...

ni hao- I took china talk for um...a few weeks- i was going to go on an exchange...then my dad freaked out about SARS. thanks... so I can say that and a few things...I'd like to learn italian. PRRREGO! lol.

Reyna said...

LOL! Or should I say...Wi Yu May King Mi Laff Sow Mush?

I, myself, would like to learn to speak German. Guten Tag and Danke for teaching me something of the Chinese language. Jetzt muss ich gehen. Auf Wiedersehen.